The previous evening, we had a couple of out-of-state Obama volunteers stay at our home, in addition to Sheri staying up to nearly 3:00am making enough pasta salad to feed an army. This morning, someone from Obama headquarters called to make sure we were coming and asked if we were going to stay and work the event. Sheri told them yes. The previous day, she had told another volunteer that we would be coming as a family and asked if it was alright to bring the kids. "Sure!"
We left home about 12:25pm and drove the five minutes to Headwaters Park along with over 80 cups of pasta and three kids in tow.

Later, I returned for instructions and asked one of the volunteer leaders if Sheri and the kids could help me out at the front as I signed in new volunteers. He said it was fine, so we went in - after going through an airport style security check point - and headed to the front gates to prepare for the throng.

We had a pretty good time watching the long lines pass right past our table and took a certain delight in the looks on the faces of people who knew us. One volunteer called my cell phone and asked me how we rated. I explained that we were probably picked because we were volunteers and had children with us. She said she

We waited and waited while over two-thousand people made their way through the serpentine line to the food. Yet we were not allowed to leave the area to get our own food. We were told food would be brought to us. Unfortunately, we had to wait until it was close to time for the Senator to arrive before our trays were brought to us.
We knew once the Secret Service officers started multiplying that the time was near. They brought the food to the tables along with a few bottles of water. Then we hear the roar of the motorcycles as the motorcade approached the pavilion.

After Michelle and the girls left the stage, Obama - who, according to the latest Zogby poll is leading Clinton in both Indiana and North Carolina spoke to the enthusiastic crowd. He discussed the distractions, Hillary's gas tax holiday, and how this race was about the people. It was your basic Obama stump speech, but hearing it live is always inspiring.
After his speech, he worked the line then came directly to our table. He shook my hand and

Once Obama enters the White House in January, my children will have photos of themselves with the first black President of the United States. It was indeed a historic day for our family.
Great pics Robert!
I was one of the many in the "herd" in line for the food and saw your family sitting in the roped off area. I too wondered how you got there. We were sitting way back and could only catch a glimpse or two of Barack but I really only needed to listen to be inspired once again by Barack.
I am all for a woman being president and I actually used to like Hillary. But her typical Washington style of dirty campaigning has truly disappointed me. Barack has taken the high road in a race for *the* most important race in this country. Plus, I've read through his *blueprint* at his website and am duly impressed. I truly believe that he cares about America.
On a side note, I found your website as I'm still undecided who to vote for tomorrow for governor and was looking for some unbiased info (haha). I'm not crazy about either dem. candidate, but I figure that either one HAS to be better than Mitch.
Such great memories for you and your family! Kind of like that Bill Clinton photo shaking Kennedy's hand... who knows where your kids might end up.
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