Sunday, December 02, 2007

Breaking Scandal in the Guv's Office

Cam Savage, $70,000 and a lot of questions for the Governor:

Via: Thomas at Blue Indiana & Jen Wagner at TDW

Cam Savage is Mitch Daniels' communications director. Wait, let me be clear: Cam Savage is the communications director for Mitch Daniels' re-election campaign. It's right here on his My Man Mitch website if you don't want to take my word for it.

It's important to make that distinction, of course, because we all know that politicians are required to keep their taxpayer funded public service separate from the political activities of their election team. To mix the two is at best a major lapse of ethics, and in some cases it can be illegal.

Now, what if I told you that the same Cam Savage who has been the My Man Mitch communications director since May was paid $70,000 of your tax dollars during the same period of time in order to direct communications at the Governor's state office? Wouldn't you have a few questions about just what the hell was going on?

Luckily for you, and unluckily for Governor Daniels, Taking Down Words has unearthed a personal services contract for Cam Savage that saw him rake in $70,000 between May 1 and October 31. You can check out the contract for yourself here.

Click HERE to read more about this breaking scandal.

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