Thursday, August 23, 2007

More From Kelty's WANE Interview

Ok, this is probably the last post on Matt Kelty's WANE interview. At the 5:45 mark Kelty makes the following statement:
I was exonerated by the Allen County Election Board. That body, which has direct oversight on these matters, heard all of this evidence and cleared me by a 2-1 vote.

Now I'm sure everyone remembers what a whitewash the election board hearing was. However, they most certainly did NOT see all of the same evidence the grand jury did. They didn't subpoena Fred Rost and Don Willis or any of the other people that ended up testifying under oath. In fact the 2 election board members that "cleared" Kelty only asked 1 question between the two of them! There's simply no way one can legitimately say that the election board had the same evidence as the grand jury.

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