As reported in today's JG, Evert Mol was fired from his volunteer duties and banned from all FWCS buildings. And for what? Because he voiced opposition to the ridiculous and arbitrary $500 Million facilities upgrade. This is the leadership of our local schools folks. Criticize a plan - you're fired. Offer up an alternative - you're fired. Is this the kind of example we want to set for our children? That you should never speak out or participate in the political arena because if you do some local political boss will have you fired? Does this encourage creative thinking and individualism? Of course not, but hardly anything in the educational system does these days.
However, I always felt like local school leaders were trying to do the right thing. That the problem was the system and not the leadership. That changed today. I think we all see the problem now. If you do ANYTHING outside the boundaries then you will be fired. That was the message sent today and the Superintendent knew it. She wanted to send a message to all teachers and staff - you're either with us or your against us. But that's the wrong message to send. We need MORE people involved in local politics and this kind of strong-arm tactic only serves to undermine the public interest.
Of course I've argued all along that the school board doesn't give a damn about the public interest. They are a special interest group and they will only do what's best for them. Tax people out of their homes - so what. Spit on freedom of speech - so what. They really think it's THEIR schools but I have news for them - it's OURS, the citizens and taxpayers in this district. It's time we send our own message. It's time we tell the school board and it's supporters that Putin-like tactics are unacceptable. And it's certainly time to support the remonstrance, not because of the administration's poor behavior but because their plan is fiscally irresponsible...
Update: 3/2/07 16:53 - Looks like Dr Robinson has corrected the "mistake" and allowed Mr Mol back into the building:
This morning we received a call from Dr. Robinson to tell us that the incident was a mistake for which she took full responsibility. So we plan to be back in the schools next week to continue helping with the kids.
Dr Robinson called the Mols this morning and apologized, and both will be continuing their volunteer work in the schools.
I saw that and am in the processing of updating the post. This is certainly welcome news...
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