Friday, June 27, 2008

Souder sides with big oil AGAIN

Rep. Souder Sides With Big Oil Against Working Families Struggling With Gas Prices

Votes Show Souder Out of Touch With Needs of Hoosiers

(Washington, DC June 27) - As gas prices soar and families struggle to make ends meet, Rep. Souder (R-IN) last night voted against legislation to lower gas prices and end profiteering by Big Oil barons and energy speculators.

“It’s almost unfathomable that at a time when his constituents are having to choose between putting gas in their cars or food on their tables that Rep. Souder would block common-sense legislation that would provide tangible relief and lead the way to a cleaner, more secure energy future,” said Caren Benjamin, deputy executive director of Americans United for Change, the progressive issue-advocacy group behind this summer’s Bush Legacy Tour

“This is just another – particularly egregious – example of how some members of Congress are putting loyalty to their corporate sponsors and to President Bush’s conservative corporate-driven agenda above the needs of the people they were elected to represent,” Benjamin added.

In lock-step with President Bush and presumptive Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Rep. Souder voted against the “Use It or Lose It” bill, which would compel the oil industry to start drilling on the 68 million acres which they are currently warehousing or be barred from obtaining any more federal drilling leases until they demonstrate that they are diligently developing those lands.

Unbelievably, Rep. Souder also refused to support legislation to curb oil speculation and keep wheelers and dealers from getting rich off the backs of ordinary working people.

“Clearly, Rep. Souder is out of touch with the needs of the people of Indiana,” Benjamin said. “He must be held accountable.”

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