Thursday, April 10, 2008

Allen County Dems Breakfast Meeting

Just a reminder to the regular bunch and an open invitation to everyone else:

The monthly Allen County Democrats breakfast meeting will be held this Saturday, April 12th at Democratic Party headquarters located at
1920 Bluffton Road in Fort Wayne. Representatives from both the Obama and Clinton campaigns will be present to give presentations and answer questions about the candidates. This will be the final breakfast meeting before next month's primary, and possibly your last chance to hear from both campaigns in the same venue.

Coffee and doughnuts will available at 8:30, with the speakers taking the podium at 9:00. As always, we encourage you to bring a non-perishable food item to contribute to the local food banks. In addition, any spare plastic grocery bags you can contribute would be very greatly appreciated as a means to deliver the canned goods. Hope to see you there!


Jeff Pruitt said...

Are we meeting for breakfast before the meeting?

John Good said...

If enough people are interested, I will attempt to drag my butt out of bed for that. ;) I've been on sabbatical all week and haven't arisen before 9 AM. . .

Robert Rouse said...

I'll be at at the regular spot by 7:30AM.

Jeff Pruitt said...

I'll be there too

Jeff Pruitt said...

Sorry guys the baby kept me up most of the night and I was just too tired to get up 7am...