Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Election Night Interview with Kirk Moriarty

Readers of this blog may not know who Kirk Moriarty is but they should. Kirk was John Shoaff's campaign manager and as such deserves a lot of credit for John's re-election and 2nd place finish (I know he was hoping for 1st but I'm sure he'll take it). Kirk was well organized and worked nonstop to get Shoaff's message out to the voters. Any of you future candidates would be wise to try and get Kirk to run your campaign.

As an aside I also want to mention Susan Mol. Susan played a critical role in Shoaff's campaign as well, and she utilized her organizational experience from the Code Blue Schools petition drive to help get Shoaff re-elected. Readers will get to hear more about Susan's skills when I post the interview I did with Evert Mol in the near future. I put that interview on the back-burner during the election but I think readers will really enjoy it.

Also, I am very proud to say that I walked multiple neighborhoods for John and worked the polls for him on election morning. However, my role was insignificant compared to the work Susan and Kirk did...

Kirk Moriarty from FWL on Vimeo.

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