Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why Isn't Senator Lugar Supporting Kelty?

Matt Kelty touts his previous work for Senator Lugar as part of his political experience and he even has a photo of him and Lugar together on his campaign website:
In 1994 he worked for Senator Dick Lugar's successful re-election campaign, and later worked in Dick Lugar's grass roots organizing campaign in Iowa during Lugar's presidential bid in 1995.

Considering Lugar is an extremely popular Senator and his appeal crosses party lines, why hasn't the Kelty campaign brought Lugar in to do a fundraiser? I can only imagine how much money that would generate. And let us not forget that Lugar has done fundraisers for previous Republican mayoral candidates so this wouldn't be out of the ordinary. So, given his previous fundraisers and his ties to Kelty, why has there been nothing of support from Senator Lugar?

When I think over my own work history I imagine that I could ask any of my previous bosses for a letter of recommendation and they would all oblige. Is a fundraiser not the political equivalent of a letter of recommendation? It's not as if Lugar has anything to worry about politically - he's not up for re-election until 2012 and last time he was the only Congressman/Senator that didn't have a Democratic challenger. I think it says something about Kelty's candidacy that Lugar is nowhere to be found...


Dan Turkette said...

Jeff, you're pounding on something that's old news. The elected officials are standing back waiting to see where the cards fall. It's all about their political careers and you know this.

When Matt wins, the tide will change and guess who'll be the pied-piper.

Jeff Pruitt said...

I believe Lugar's political career is about over and I highly doubt that being associated with Kelty, even if he were convicted, would somehow tarnish his legacy...

de_tokeville said...

When Matt wins. And on that day all of God's chosen people will be lifted in Rapture to the heavens, leaving the rest of us rational people in blissful peace at long last.

sigmund5 said...

Wow, Dan once again you say all the things that a kool-aid drinker says. What ya gonna do when Matt is beaten like a redheaded step-child?

while I am asking questions, why can I not only not post on your site, I can't even view it. Now that is class.

sigmund5 said...

Believe it or not Dan, even rightwing conservatives aren't as cynical as you. Of course they are dealing with reality, whereas what you are dealing with only leads to fantasy or extreme cynacism.