Friday, October 12, 2007

David Sirota Now in the Journal Gazette

I wanted to let readers of this blog know that David Sirota's column is now being carried by the JG. I e-mailed Tracy Warner a few months ago about picking up Sirota and he told me he was already looking into it. Now I see the decision has been made and I wanted to say thanks to Tracy and the JG.

Sirota will fill a void that's been missing from the slate of JG columnists. He's a populist and staunch advocate for Fair Trade policies, open government and the middle class in general. Lately Sirota has been involved with the growing Western wing of the Democratic party having worked for Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer before recently moving to Denver. He's a Democrat but also a vocal critic of the DC establishment and neoliberal groupthink. As such he's not afraid kick either party when they need to be kicked - something I strive to do here at FWL.

You can read his blog here and for those interested you can also check out his book - Hostile Takeover - from the public library...

UPDATE: I've been told by Tracy Warner that the JG has a one month trial period on Sirota so check out his column, daily blog and book. And if you would like to see the JG stick with his column then send Tracy ( your feedback

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