Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Kelty Campaign Goes Negative

On last week's impact segment Matt Kelty accused "a sitting city council member" of buying up property and then "calling the mayor's office everyday" until the city agreed to buy the land for the Aboite fire station. Frankly I was somewhat surprised to see Kelty start throwing dirt around - especially on such an old story.

Now Kelty is attacking Tom Henry for, of all things, his experience in city government:
If I have an edge it is because I'm a fresh voice. I haven't served as a City Councilman for 20 years, already being trained what I can't accomplish.

Good point Matt. You haven't served as anything for the last 20 years. And perhaps somebody should've trained you not to lie to the media and the general public. Most people find honesty a desirable trait in their mayor...

UPDATE: The comment about the "sitting city council member" seems to have sparked some confusion. I'm not going to do Matt's dirty work for him but suffice to say that the person he's referring to is not and was not a sitting city council member...


Dan Turkette said...


I looked at your link to the video. I did not hear him talk about a council member. Have another source?

Jeff Pruitt said...

I just realized that the video I linked to is the report before the interview took place. The source I used was a tivo'd version of the interview from a couple of sunday's ago. I'm not sure I still have it saved though...

Eric White said...

"already being trained with I can't accomplish."

In other words. he has no understanding of the complexities and realities of local government.

LP Mike Sylvester said...

I also went to view the video and could not find it. I would like to see it if possible.

I tend to agree with Matt. Based on what I have learned about Fort Wayne government over the last two years we desparately need some new faces.

Fort Wayne Government has a serious case of "group think" and we really need to appoint NEW people to most of the Boards in this City.

Mike Sylvester

Greg McClain, The Most Dangerous Blogger! said...

I would agree that we need new people on the various boards in town.
We also need new goals, plans, a new direction for the city and it does not matter if that comes from experienced candidates or inexperienced hopefuls.
It is not the past of the candidate we should question. It should be the future direction and plans he has and the honesty of that person we should consider.
I believe that Matt and Tom would both be excellent mayors. The question I have is who can I trust and who has the better game plan.